Source code for model.hopfield

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from plasticity.model._base import BasePlasticity
from plasticity.model.optimizer import SGD
from plasticity.model.weights import Normal

__author__  = ['Nico Curti', 'SimoneGasperini']
__email__ = ['', '']

[docs]class Hopfield (BasePlasticity): ''' Hopfield and Krotov implementation of the BCM algorithm [1]_. Parameters ---------- outputs : int (default=100) Number of hidden units num_epochs : int (default=100) Maximum number of epochs for model convergency batch_size : int (default=10) Size of the minibatch optimizer : Optimizer (default=SGD) Optimizer object (derived by the base class Optimizer) delta : float (default=0.4) Strength of the anti-hebbian learning weights_init : BaseWeights object (default="Normal") Weights initialization strategy. p : float (default=2.) Lebesgue norm of the weights k : int (default=2) Ranking parameter, must be integer that is bigger or equal than 2 precision : float (default=1e-30) Parameter that controls numerical precision of the weight updates epochs_for_convergency : int (default=None) Number of stable epochs requested for the convergency. If None the training proceeds up to the maximum number of epochs (num_epochs). convergency_atol : float (default=0.01) Absolute tolerance requested for the convergency random_state : int (default=None) Random seed for weights generation verbose : bool (default=True) Turn on/off the verbosity Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml >>> import pylab as plt >>> from plasticity.model import Hopfield >>> >>> X, y = fetch_openml(name='mnist_784', version=1, data_id=None, return_X_y=True) >>> X *= 1. / 255 >>> model = Hopfield(outputs=100, num_epochs=10) >>> Hopfield(batch_size=100, outputs=100, num_epochs=10, random_state=42, precision=1e-30) >>> >>> # view the memorized weights >>> w = model.weights[0].reshape(28, 28) >>> nc = np.max(np.abs(w)) >>> >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 8)) >>> im = ax.imshow(w, cmap='bwr', vmin=-nc, vmax=nc) >>> fig.colorbar(im, ticks=[np.min(w), 0, np.max(w)]) >>> ax.axis("off") >>> .. image:: ../../../img/Hopfield_weights.gif References ---------- .. [1] Dmitry Krotov, and John J. Hopfield. Unsupervised learning by competing hidden units, PNAS, 2019, ''' def __init__(self, outputs=100, num_epochs=100, batch_size=100, delta=.4, optimizer=SGD(learning_rate=2e-2), weights_init=Normal(mu=0., std=1.), p=2., k=2, precision=1e-30, epochs_for_convergency=None, convergency_atol=0.01, random_state=None, verbose=True): = delta self.p = p self.k = k super (Hopfield, self).__init__(outputs=outputs, num_epochs=num_epochs, batch_size=batch_size, activation='Linear', optimizer=optimizer, weights_init=weights_init, precision=precision, epochs_for_convergency=epochs_for_convergency, convergency_atol=convergency_atol, random_state=random_state, verbose=verbose) def _weights_update (self, X, output): ''' Approximation introduced by Krotov. Instead of solving dynamical equations we use the currents as a proxy for ranking of the final activities as suggested in [0]. Parameters ---------- X : array-like (2D) Input array of data output : array-like (2D) Output of the model estimated by the predict function Returns ------- weight_update : array-like (2D) Weight updates matrix to apply theta : array-like (1D) Array of learning progress Notes ----- .. note:: This is the core function of the Hopfield class since it implements the Hopfield learning rule. ''' order = np.argsort(output, axis=0) yl = np.zeros_like(output, dtype=float) yl[order[-1, :], range(self.batch_size)] = 1. yl[order[-self.k, :], range(self.batch_size)] = - xx = np.sum(yl * output, axis=1, keepdims=True) #ds = yl @ X - xx * self.weights ds = np.einsum('ij, jk -> ik', yl, X, optimize=True) - xx * self.weights nc = np.max(np.abs(ds)) nc = 1. / max(nc, self.precision) return ds * nc, xx def _fit (self, X): ''' Core function for the fit member ''' return super(Hopfield, self)._fit(X=X, norm=True) def _predict (self, X): ''' Core function for the predict member ''' # return self.weights @ X return np.einsum('ij, kj -> ik', self.weights, X, optimize=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': from plasticity.utils import view_weights from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml # Download the MNIST dataset X, y = fetch_openml(name='mnist_784', version=1, data_id=None, return_X_y=True) # normalize the sample into [0, 1] X *= 1. / 255 model = Hopfield(outputs=100, num_epochs=10) view_weights (model.weights, dims=(28, 28))